District Agriculture Excellence Awards 2022

Agriculture sector employs more than 50% of Indian population. It continues to be vital for economic growth and social transformation. India has emerged as a major player in global agriculture market. The policies such as globalization and liberalization have also opened avenues for agriculture modernization which has led to market diversification, triggering technological innovations. Moreover, the steady investments from central government and corporate entities coupled with contribution of states for setting development agenda, sharing information and connecting farmers with the schemes, technologies, value chain, trade, institutional support and markets in scaling up initiatives and empowering farmers to advance towards greater prosperity across blocks and districts of the country is commendable. This strengthening of grassroots level connect of farmers with knowledge, agribusiness and technologies through national level support and connectivity is truly playing an enabling role in making India an innovation and knowledge based economy. However, India lacks a mechanism to recognize the efforts and the work undertaken by Indian district administration and officers in ensuring translation of government programs, policies and initiatives into actions, extension work, supervision of seed stores, distribution of fertilizers, empowering farmers and to realize the humongous yet achievable target of making India, a $5 trillion economy.

Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture as the apex platform for policy advocacy, agribusinesses and trade facilitation, market linkages, partnerships and collaborations towards promoting agriculture and empowering farmers, is presenting District Agriculture Excellence Awards. Acknowledging the seminal efforts and contribution of districts in playing catalytic role in boosting Indian agrarian economy and in bringing metamorphosis in Indian agriculture landscape, ICFA is taking a significant step to motivate districts of India to keep reaching milestones and achieving excellence in agriculture and allied activities.

The Awards will be presented in different categories to those districts that have made exceptional contributions in the respective area.

Policy Leadership Awards 2020

  • Best Agriculture State
  • Best Horticulture State
  • Best Animal Husbandry State
  • Best Fisheries State
  • Best State in Innovative Programs
  • Best State in Agro Infrastructure
  • Best State in Agro Marketing

District Excellence Awards 2020

  • Best District in Horticulture
  • Best District in Fisheries
  • Best District in Poultry
  • Best District in Dairy
  • Best District in Productivity
  • Best District in Agribusiness
  • Best District in Precision Farming
  • Best District in Water Management
  • Best District in Watershed Management
  • Best District in New Initiatives
  • Best District in Innovative Programs
  • Best District in Organic Farming
  • Best District in FPO formation
  • Best District in Cooperatives
  • Best District in Rural Livelihood Programs
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